CS - Roadmap.sh(71)
Maze Solving Problem(임시)
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2024.02.11 -
3.8.2 Solving n Queen Problem (N 퀸 문제)
CS - 3. Common Algorithms - 3.8 Back Tracking Algorithm - 3.8.2 Solving n Queen Problem Solving n Queen Problem N Queen Problem is a famous problem in Computer Science. It is a problem of placing n queens on an n x n chessboard such that no two queens attack each other. The problem is to find all possible solutions to the problem. N 여왕 문제는 컴퓨터 과학에서 유명한 문제입니다. 두 여왕이 서로 공격하지 않도록 n x n 체스판 위에 n개의 여..
2024.02.10 -
3.8 Back Tracking Algorithm(역추적 알고리즘) - 3.8.1 Finding Hamiltonian Paths(해밀턴 경로)
CS - 3. Common Algorithms - 3.8 Back Tracking Algorithm - 3.8.1 Finding Hamiltonian Paths 역추적 알고리즘 - 해밀턴 경로 Back Tracking Algorithm Back tracking algorithms are used to solve problems that can be broken down into smaller sub-problems. The algorithm tries to solve each sub-problem and if it fails, it backtracks and tries to solve the sub-problem in a different way. 역추적 알고리즘은 더 작은 하위 문제로 나눌 수 있는 문..
2024.02.10 -
3.7.3 Post-Order Traversal
CS - 3. Common Algorithms - 3.7 Tree - 3.7.3 Post-Order Traversal Post-Order Traversal 💡Post-order traversal is a type of tree traversal that visits the left subtree, then the right subtree, and finally the root node. This is the opposite of pre-order traversal, which visits the root node first, then the left subtree, and finally the right subtree. 후위 순은 트리의 일종으로 왼쪽 부분 트리, 오른쪽 부분 트리, 그리고 마지막으로 루..
2024.02.10 -
3.7.2 In-Order Traversal(중위 순회)
CS - 3. Common Algorithms - 3.7 Tree - 3.7.2 In-Order Traversal In-Order Traversal 💡In-order traversal is a tree traversal algorithm that visits the left subtree, the root, and then the right subtree. This is the most common way to traverse a binary search tree. It is also used to create a sorted list of nodes in a binary search tree. 중위 순회(Inorder Traversal)은 왼쪽 하위 트리, 루트, 오른쪽 하위 트리를 차례로 방문하는 트..
2024.02.09 -
3.7.1 Pre-Order Traversal(전위 순회)
CS - 3. Common Algorithms - 3.7 Tree - 3.7.1 Pre-Order Traversal Tree Algorithms 💡A tree is non-linear and a hierarchical data structure consisting of a collection of nodes such that each node of the tree stores a value and a list of references to other nodes (the “children”). 트리는 비선형적이며 노드 모음으로 구성된 계층적 데이터 구조로, 트리의 각 노드가 값과 다른 노드에 대한 참조 목록("자식")을 저장합니다. Pre-Order Traversal 💡Pre-order traversal ..