CS - Roadmap.sh/3. Common Algorithms(32)
3.1. Sorting - 3.1.2 Selection Sort
CS - 3. Common Algorithms - 3.1. Sorting - 3.1.2 Selection Sort 💡 Selection sort is a sorting algorithm that selects the smallest unsorted item in the list and swaps it with index 0, then finds the next smallest and places it into index 1 and so on. 선택 정렬은 목록에서 정렬되지 않은 가장 작은 항목을 선택하여 인덱스 0으로 바꾼 다음 다음으로 작은 항목을 찾아서 인덱스 1에 배치하는 정렬 알고리즘입니다. 선택 정렬(Selection Sort)은 이름에서 알 수 있듯이, 가장 적은 값을 선택하여 앞으로 옮기는 ..
2024.01.14 -
3.1. Sorting - 3.1.1 Bubble sort
CS - 3. Common Algorithms - 3.1. Sorting - 3.1.1 Bubble sort 💡Sorting algorithms are used to sort data in a collection. Sorting is a very common task in computer science, and it is also a very common interview question. There are many different ways to sort data, and different algorithms have different advantages and disadvantages. Learn about the sorting algorithms and know the best case/worst ..