CS - Roadmap.sh/16. Databases(3)
16.3 Entity Relationship Model (+ERD) (추가필요)
Entity Relationship Model Entity relationship model is a high-level data model that describes the logical structure of a database. It is a graphical representation of entities and their relationships to each other, typically used in modeling the organization of data within databases or information systems. 엔티티 관계 모델은 데이터베이스의 논리적 구조를 설명하는 상위 수준의 데이터 모델입니다. 엔티티와 엔티티 간의 관계를 그래픽으로 표현한 것으로, 일반적으로 데이터..
2024.03.28 -
16.2 Normalization vs Denormalization
Normalization vs Denormalization Database normalization is a process used to organize a database into tables and columns. The idea is that a table should be about a specific topic and that only those columns which support that topic are included. This limits the number of duplicate data contained within your database. This makes the database more flexible by eliminating issues stemming from data..
2024.02.29 -
16.1 SQL vs NoSQL databases
CS - 16. Databases - 16.1 SQL vs NoSQL databases Databases 💡A database is a collection of useful data of one or more related organizations structured in a way to make data an asset to the organization. A database management system is a software designed to assist in maintaining and extracting large collections of data in a timely fashion. 데이터베이스는 데이터를 조직의 자산으로 만들기 위한 방식으로 구조화된 하나 이상의 관련 조직의 유용한 ..